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News from the Network

QPerfect Appoints Philippe Blot as New CEO

[Strasbourg, France] – QPerfect, a leading innovator in quantum computing solutions, today announced the appointment of Philippe Blot as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective July 1st. Philippe brings extensive experience in leading technology companies and a deep understanding of the rapidly evolving technology landscape. In his new role, Philippe will be responsible for overseeing QPerfect’s strategic direction, accelerating product development, and driving global expansion. It is not a first time for Philippe who has managed already several TechStars companies in France, USA or China. “I am thrilled to join the team at this pivotal moment in the company’s growth,” said Philippe. “Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize various industries, and QPerfect is at the forefront of this exciting revolution. I am confident that together with the founders and the talented colleagues, we can further solidify the company’s position as a leader in the field and deliver transformative solutions to our customers.” Guido Masella, CTO to QPerfect stated “We at QPerfect are thrilled to welcome Philippe Blot as our new CEO. Philippe’s extensive experience in the deep-tech industry, coupled with his leadership skills and expertise, make him an ideal choice to steer our company into the next stages of our growth. Philippe’s arrival has already made a positive impact, and his proactive approach is evident in our operations. With Philippe leading the way, our forthcoming milestones appear within closer reach. We are confident that his guidance will add to our existing vigor and motivation, propelling us towards our goals with even greater enthusiasm. On behalf of QPerfect, and personally, I am delighted to have Philippe join us and eagerly anticipate the journey ahead.” About QPerfect QPerfect is a pioneering company developing next-generation quantum computing solutions designed to address some of the world’s most challenging problems. By leveraging quantum mechanics, QPerfect develops advanced computational solutions that provide unprecedented capabilities in areas such as cryptography, artificial intelligence, materials science, and logistics. Our mission is to unlock new potential and create a future where quantum computing is integral to technological and societal advancements. With a team of world-renowned scientists and engineers, QPerfect is committed to pushing the boundaries of quantum technology and making it accessible to a wide range of users. Contact: Anna Whitlock, PR, anna.whitlock@qperfect.io

Introducing MIMIQ 1.0 The world’s most powerful virtual quantum computer

[Thursday 25th of July] [Tokyo, Japan] QPerfect, a quantum computing spin-off from the European Center for Quantum Sciences in Strasbourg is announcing the release of MIMIQ 1.0 a powerful platform for executing quantum algorithms with speed, accuracy and flexibility exceeding any other quantum simulator as well as current and next-generation quantum computers. It will be officially presented during Q2B in Tokyo on July 25th at 4:50pm in the KeyNote Room at the Grand Hyatt by QPerfect co-founder & scientific advisor Professor Shannon Whitlock. CTO, Guido Masella stated “At QPerfect, our unwavering dedication to advancing quantum computing has brought us to an exciting milestone: the release of MIMIQ version 1.0. I am incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication our team has put into making this project possible.” It’s incredible to see how far we can push the boundaries of classical simulations of quantum systems. Every enhancement, no matter how incremental, holds the potential to unlock groundbreaking insights. This journey at QPerfect has fueled our passion for empowering researchers, developers, and quantum enthusiasts to explore, innovate, and optimize on an unprecedented scale.We firmly believe that MIMIQ will be instrumental in accelerating the quantum revolution, and we eagerly anticipate the transformative solutions our users will create with it Extensively benchmarked and tested by industry experts, MIMIQ 1.0 is the world’s most advanced emulation platform to design, test, and optimize large scale and complex quantum algorithms consisting of thousands of qubits and millions of gates. MIMIQ is used by research centers, consulting firms, quantum service providers, quantum software companies and quantum hardware manufacturers, enabling them to: •Prepare end users for the transformative potential of quantum computing •Identify the best hardware platforms for achieving a quantum advantage •Benchmark and improve the performance of physical quantum computers •Invent and test new quantum algorithms What sets MIMIQ apart from any other quantum platform? Most quantum computer emulators used today represent quantum states as a vector of complex numbers, one for each computational basis state. Statevector simulators can be fast but are limited to small numbers of qubits since each additional qubit doubles the memory requirements. MIMIQ gets around this limitation using Matrix Product States (MPS) – the gold standard for efficient representation and simulation of quantum states for hundreds to thousands of qubits. MPS simulation is exact for entanglement limited circuits (e.g. the Quantum Fourier Transform) or provides excellent state approximations for large entanglement circuits, with a fidelity exceeding common state-of-the-art quantum computers.. Thus, MIMIQ facilitates the development and testing of quantum circuits and quantum algorithms on an unprecedented scale. Key features in MIMIQ 1.0 MIMIQ 1.0 includes all the features needed to accelerate your quantum R&D. It includes: •Lightning fast statevector engine for exact simulations of arbitrarily complex algorithms, unrestricted in depth or number of gates •Large scale Matrix Products State engine for for exact simulation of entanglement bound circuits and approximate simulation of high entanglement circuits with arbitrary qubit connectivity •Full OpenQASM v2 support and v3 feature compatibility •Dynamic circuit support (midcircuit measurements, reset, conditional logic) •Support for custom, user-defined gates and multi-controlled gate operations •Support for symbolic algebra and expressions for parametric gates •Large library of algorithms and circuit primitives for efficient circuit composition and execution •Seamless integration to your existing quantum workflow with easy-to-use Julia and Python interfaces •Greater computing power at your fingertips and at any time. Run your jobs at ease using our managed cloud platform and benefit from continuous upgrades and new capabilities For more information Website :qperfect.io/index.php/mimiq Request an account today and receive an early-bird discount of 20% (offer valid until 31 July 2024) About Qperfect: QPerfect, a spin-off of the European Center for Quantum Sciences in Strasbourg, is a pioneering French and European deep-tech company at the forefront of quantum computing. We develop solutions for boosting the performance of quantum computers to the large-scale fault-tolerant regime, unlocking industry-relevant applications for the first time. QPerfect was created in May 2023, and recognised with the prestigious I-Lab competition with the “Grand Prix” label in 2023, awarded to the most innovative French deep-tech companies. We work with leading research centers, quantum hardware builders and software developers to accelerate the quantum computing revolution. Press contact: Anna Whitlock anna.whitlock@qperfect.io Business inquires: Georges Le Nigen georgeslenigen@qperfect.io


Partnership introduces scalable and viable solutions to treat, destroy and eliminate PFAS from water HOUSTON AND OXFORD, July 23, 2024 (GLOBAL NEWSWIRE) Element Six (E6), a pioneer in the development and manufacturing of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond solutions, and Lummus Technology, a global provider of process technologies and value-driven energy solutions, announced an exclusive global partnership that will leverage a unique solution to address the worldwide challenge of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) destruction. “Destroying and eliminating PFAS from water is an important global challenge — a challenge that Lummus and Element Six fully embrace and can help address,” said Leon de Bruyn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Lummus Technology. “By combining our technologies, we are uniquely positioned to offer efficient, scalable and viable methods to destroy these chemicals, safeguarding public health and protecting our environment for future generations.” PFAS are a large range of synthetic fluorinated organic compounds that have been produced and widely used in industrial applications and consumer products since the 1930s. Commonly referred to as ’forever chemicals’, PFAS do not naturally break down in the environment and can cause serious health problems in high exposure cases, including cancer, decreased immunity, and infertility. Consequently, government agencies across the world including in the U.S., UK, Europe, Australia and the Middle East are taking steps to regulate these compounds’ presence in drinking water and everyday consumer products. “There are so many aspects of our daily lives which will benefit from the pioneering technology delivered through this partnership,” said Siobhán Duffy, CEO, Element Six. “From improving our environment, to safeguarding our health, this diamond-based electrochemical solution will address the critical global problem of PFAS, ensuring a better future can be built for everyone. I want to give huge credit to the Element Six and Lummus teams who have relentlessly tackled many technical challenges over the last 10 years to deliver this outstanding technology.” This partnership combines Element Six’s leading patented boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrochemical oxidation technology with Lummus’ patented electro-oxidation technology and system integration for water and wastewater treatment. Lummus and Element Six have tested their combined technologies using free-standing BDD electrodes, which resulted in successful destruction of long and short chain PFAS. Free-standing BDD electrodes, as opposed to metal electrodes plated with BDD, enable the high current densities that destroy short-chain PFAS. Lummus and Element Six are already making progress with customers to address numerous real-life applications leveraging this novel BDD electrochemical oxidation technology. -Ends- Media enquiries Element Six Press office: Gabriella.Sciarrone@e6.com US: elementsix@havasformula.com UK & ROW: E6@speedcomms.com   Lummus Technology Matt Braud Marketing and Communications +1 281 368 3116 (direct) +1 225 335 3392 (cell) Matthew.Braud@LummusTech.com   About Element Six Element Six, part of the De Beers Group, is a world-leader in the design, development and production of synthetic diamond advanced material solutions. The company operates worldwide with primary manufacturing facilities in US, UK, Ireland, Germany, and South Africa. For over seventy years, Element Six has harnessed the extreme properties of synthetic diamond to open up new possibilities in areas such as photonics, acoustics, power transmission, water treatment, thermal management and sensors. The company’s advanced material solutions are used in a wide range of applications across multiple industries including manufacturing in the automotive and consumer electronics industries, cutting and drilling in the oil and gas industry, and in components for mining, road, construction and agriculture applications.   About Lummus Technology Lummus Technology is the global leader in developing technology solutions that make modern life possible and focus on a more sustainable, low carbon future. Lummus license process technologies in clean fuels, renewables, petrochemicals, polymers, gas processing and supply lifecycle services, catalysts, proprietary equipment and digitalization to customers worldwide. To learn more about Lummus, visit www.LummusTechnology.com.

planqc raises 50 million Euro series A

July 8, 2024 planqc, the European leader in digital atom-based quantum computing, proudly announces the securement of €50 million financing. This substantial Series A investment is led by the European Family Office CATRON Holding and the DeepTech & Climate Fonds (DTCF). Additional financial support is provided by Bayern Kapital, the Max-Planck Foundation, further private investors, existing investors UVC and Speedinvest and it includes a non-dilutive grant from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).   Alexander Glätzle, CEO and co-founder of planqc, stated, “This latest investment round is a strong endorsement of our technology as a leading platform for quantum applications. The substantial backing places us in a perfect position to take on global competitors with our ‘Made in Germany’ quantum computers, targeting an emerging market valued at billions of euros.”   planqc’s unique technology, built on award-winning research at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ), aims for rapid advancement in the development of industry-relevant quantum computers. The new financing will be utilized to establish a quantum computing cloud service and to develop quantum software for applications in industries such as chemistry, healthcare, climate-tech, automotive, and finance. Today, planqc is already using quantum machine learning to work on climate simulations or more efficient batteries for electric vehicles.   Dr. Sebastian Blatt, CTO of planqc, explained the core of planqc’s technology: “Unlike most other companies, including Big Tech, we use individual atoms – confined in crystals of light – as qubits. This approach is the fast track to scaling the number of qubits and improving their quality, the prerequisites for being the first to deliver fault-tolerant quantum computers.”   Founded in 2022 by scientists from MPQ and Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), planqc is located at the heart of Munich’s Quantum Valley (MQV). Recently, the company has been commissioned to deploy a 1,000-qubit quantum computer at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre—one of the nation’s premier supercomputing facilities — by the German Government. Moreover, planqc has secured a European tender to develop a quantum computer for the German Aerospace Center (DLR).   Dr. Torsten Löffler, Investment Director at DTCF on the occasion, “We are thrilled to invest in a startup that not only leads in high-impact technology but also enables further breakthroughs in most pressing global computational challenges across various industries by offering access to the technology in form of a quantum cloud computing service. planqc’s impressive track record in securing contracts – in particular the DLR Tender – and public grants within just 18 months of operations underscores the company’s role as a frontrunner in the quantum computing sector both in Europe and globally.”   Prof. Immanuel Bloch, director at MPQ, added, “At MPQ, we have a strong tradition of supporting spin-offs from our institute and translating fundamental science to industry. planqc is the latest example and is based on our expertise in trapping, cooling and manipulating cold atoms and molecules. In the future, we look forward to extending this collaboration.”   The MPQ in collaboration with planqc already showcased the scaling of the number of neutral atoms utilized as qubits to 1,200. Reaching this industry milestone in qubit numbers paves the way for fault-tolerant – and therefore practical useful – quantum computers. Further scaling to 10.000 or even 100.000 qubits is expected in the next couple of years. These systems will then be capable of tackling previously unsolvable problems.   The computational power of quantum computers is poised to revolutionize the discovery of new materials and pharmaceuticals, address optimization challenges in fields like climate research, industry, and transportation planning, and usher in a new era of cryptography. Quantum machine learning will unlock unprecedented applications for artificial intelligence, while providing the scientific community with a wholly new understanding of the world. Dr. Anna Christmann, Coordinator of the Federal Government for German Aerospace and Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Start-ups at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action: “The success story of planqc demonstrates that innovative research today can become the forward-looking companies of tomorrow, strengthening our long-term competitiveness. We are proud that our ongoing commitment to innovation-friendly frameworks and easier access to venture capital is bearing fruit, and we continue to work every day to improve the start-up ecosystem in Germany and Europe.”   “Neutral atoms are currently on the fast track to achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing,” adds Hermann Hauser, representing the APEX Amadeus Technology fund, one of planqc’s seed investors. “I am deeply impressed by planqc’s rapid progress in this area. Securing over 50 million euros in contracts within 18 months and achieving Europe’s first 1200-atomic qubit array are remarkable milestones for planqc and Europe’s tech sovereignty. I eagerly anticipate our continued collaboration in this pioneering field.”   “Quantum computers are one of the technologies that can offer unforeseeable added value by facilitating or even enabling the discovery, research and development of other future technologies. Examples include new medicines, sustainable battery technology and climate simulations. plancq’s technologically promising approach coupled with the existing technological maturity convinced us,” says Monika Steger, Managing Director of Bayern Kapital.   Benjamin Erhart, General Partner at UVC Partners concludes, “the rapid progress of planqc since our initial investment is rooted both in planqcs scientific excellence as well as its capability to attract world class talent. In line with our strategy of building sustainable category leaders, it was a clear decision to double down on planqc significantily.”

QBN Events

Hands-On Training on Photonic Quantum Technology

Modern quantum technologies and the targeted generation, manipulation and use of individual quantum systems promise innovative applications, especially in the fields of communication, computing, and sensor technology. Application scenarios and future markets for the quantum industry and business are developing for these innovative approaches while a variety of state, federal and European initiatives are currently […]

20.08.2024 10:00 am

HQStage Webinar: Use Cases of HQStage Modules

In this webinar we showcase how the HQStage Modules can be used in different fields of applications in materials research and the study of quantum mechanical systems, and how the modules can be combined. We will discuss several use cases and approaches and present practical tips and the theoretical background. More information: HQS presents the […]

02.09.2024 4:00 pm

Hands-On Training on Photonic Quantum Technology & Sensing (SQUIDs)

Modern quantum technologies and the targeted generation, manipulation and use of individual quantum systems promise innovative applications, especially in the fields of communication, computing, and sensor technology. Application scenarios and future markets for the quantum industry and business are developing for these innovative approaches while a variety of state, federal and European initiatives are currently […]

17.09.2024 10:00 am

QBN Quantum Leadership Session

Quantum Leadership Session: Quantum Sensing – Use-cases

Welcome to our Quantum Leadership Session! Join us for an illuminating exploration of Quantum Sensing Use Cases, featuring insights from industry leaders and experts.   Our session will delve into the fascinating world of quantum sensing and its diverse applications across various fields. From precision measurements and imaging to navigation and beyond, discover how quantum […]

17.09.2024 3:00 pm

Quantum Calls

New Funding Call: Proof of Concept Call in Quantum Computing

Klick here for more Information and to register for Webinar. Scope of projects The proof of concept project should be directed towards early practical use cases and applications that are relevant to the public, private and charitable sectors. Please note dual-use cases will also be considered.  Projects should focus on:  Analysing the hardware and software […]

Deadline: 10.09.2024 | 11:00 pm

New Funding Call: Chips JU – Pilot Line on Advanced Photonic Integrated Circuits

Expected Outcomes The proposed pilot line shall be established with all the necessary equipment, facilities, and needs to target the following main objectives: Develop and enhance PIC technologies by extending the operational wavelengths into the visible and mid-infrared spectrum, crucial for applications such as lidar and advanced sensing. Develop scalable and cost-effective manufacturing processes for […]

Deadline: 17.09.2024 | 5:00 pm

New Funding Call: Stimulating transnational research and development of next generation quantum technologies, including basic theories and components (Cascading grant with FSTP)

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Support to transnational projects in quantum technologies, fostering synergy between European, national and regional initiatives and promoting broader partnerships between the European stakeholders in quantum technologies.

Deadline: 18.09.2024 | 5:00 pm

New Funding Call: Developing and deploying a network of quantum gravimeters in Europe

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Demonstration of the advantage of quantum gravimeters in innovative operational settings, delivering results beyond the state-of-the-art for real-world use cases. These operational settings should include a) an onboard gravimeter and b) terrestrial networks of gravimeters, consisting of at least eight gravimeters in total. Identification of new […]

Deadline: 18.09.2024 | 5:00 pm

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