Bringing together end-users with developers, suppliers and integrators in a trust-based environment creates the perfect foundation for technology transfer, knowledge exchange and joint initiatives to ultimately drive quantum innovation and build a strong industry.

  • Meet international quantum experts and leaders from the entire supply chain
  • Discuss relevant challenges and trends in R&D and business
  • Connect to potential business and collaboration partners
  • Create a thriving ecosystem for your company
  • Gain technology and market insights

Spirit of the QBN’s Working Group meetings

Key question is “What can we do for each other?”
Focus on “How can we drive the Quantum Industry together?”
Limited seats by invitation only

QBN members drive the agenda and have registration and speaking priority at all QBN business, technology and networking events.

QBN's Working Groups

Five Working Groups increase visibility and provide high valuable networking.

Quantum Business Network

We Build a Strong Quantum Industry Together!

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