We build a resilient
Quantum Economy!
QBN is the world’s leading innovation network for quantum technologies
promoting growth acceleration, collaboration and the trialogue
between industry, science and politics
in Europe and Germany.
QBN is the world’s leading innovation network for quantum technologies
promoting growth acceleration, collaboration and the trialogue
between industry, science and politics
in Europe and Germany.
QBN is the world’s leading innovation network for quantum technologies
promoting growth acceleration, collaboration and the trialogue
between industry, science and politics
in Europe and Germany.
Quantum Technologies have the potential to transform various industries like healthcare, finance and materials science, and the way we live. By accelerating drug discovery, enhancing cybersecurity, and creating new materials, these technologies enable us to kick-start a new economic era.
Together we can drive the adoption of quantum technologies and turn Europe and Germany into a global industrial powerhouse paving the way for a healthy, united, sovereign and secure future.
Quantum Technologies have the potential to transform various industries like healthcare, finance and materials science, and the way we live. By accelerating drug discovery, enhancing cybersecurity, and creating new materials, these technologies enable us to kick-start a new economic era.
Together we can drive the adoption of quantum technologies and turn Europe and Germany into a global industrial powerhouse paving the way for a healthy, united, sovereign and secure future.
QBN gathers 100+ members from R&D to providers to industry end-users; corporates, SMEs and startups to RTOs and universities to government organizations and investors that are working in the field of quantum technologies including quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum sensing and their entire value chains.
QBN gathers 100+ members from R&D to providers to industry end-users; corporates, SMEs and startups to RTOs and universities to government organizations and investors that are working in the field of quantum technologies including quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum sensing and their entire value chains.
Join the leading quantum network and accelerate your business!
Create a supportive and flourishing environment for your company and the quantum community by joining our public policy and community activities.
Create a supportive and flourishing environment for your company and the quantum community by joining our and community and lobbying activities.
QBNs Wahlpapier 2025 an führende politische Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland, um die Bedeutung der Quantentechnologien und den dringenden Handlungsbedarf zu unterstreichen: QBN zur Bundestagswahl 2025 Als Industrieverband für die Quantentechnologien in Deutschland und Europa fördert QBN technologischen Fortschritt, industrielle Zusammenarbeit und den Trialog zwischen Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik. QBN ist der One-Stop-Shop für Entwickler, Anbieter, und Anwender sowie Investoren und Regierungsorganisationen und baut gemeinsam mit seinen über 100 international tätigen Mitgliedern eine starke Quantenindustrie auf. Im Folgenden erläutern wir die Bedeutung der Quantentechnologien (QT), einschließlich Quanten-Computing (QC), Quanten-Kommunikation und Quanten-Sensorik, sowie den dringenden Handlungsbedarf für die strategischen Sicherung der nationalen Sicherheit, der technologischen Souveränität und des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland. Quantentechnologien in und für Deutschland Quantentechnologien bergen ein immenses Innovationspotenzial und werden es uns ermöglichen, die dringendsten globalen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen zu adressieren. Als die Schlüsseltechnologie werden die QT fast alle Branchen, vom Gesundheitswesen über den Energiesektor und das Finanzwesen bis hin zur Verteidigung und Raumfahrt revolutionieren und maßgeblich zur Weiterentwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz und der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels beitragen. Gleichzeitig können QT sensible Infrastrukturen, Kommunikation, Prozesse und Daten gegen Diebstahl, Spionage und Einflussnahme schützen. Deutschland hat rund 3 Mrd. Euro für bisher mehr als 200 Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen, Unternehmen und Startups für die Forschung, Entwicklung, Bildung und Infrastruktur im Bereich der Quantentechnologien bereitgestellt; das entsprich ca. 7% der weltweiten öffentlichen Förderung von rund 40 Mrd. Euro. Dennoch bauen die USA und China ihre Führung im Bereich der Publikationen und Patenten sowie in der Industrialisierung in den vergangenen 10 Jahren stetig aus. Deutschland hat mehr als 30 herausragende QT-Startups hervorgebracht. Zahlreiche dieser bedeutenden Startups drohen innerhalb der nächsten 1 bis 5 Jahre in die USA, nach Asien oder den Mittleren Osten abzuwandern, da sie dort die hierzulande nicht ausreichend verfügbaren Mittel zur Finanzierung von Wachstum bekommen können. Damit würde Deutschland zulassen, dass die mit deutschen Steuergeldern finanzierte Forschung, Ausbildung, Startup-Gründungen etc. im Ausland wirtschaftlich verwertet würde. Gleichzeitig würde Deutschland den Zugriff auf eine Technologie verlieren, die nicht nur für die deutsche Wirtschaft von essenzieller Bedeutung, sondern ebenso maßgeblich für die Sicherheit und Souveränität notwendig ist. Handlungsbedarf zum Auf- und Ausbau der deutschen Quantenindustrie Ob der strategischen Bedeutung der QT für Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Sicherheit und Wehrhaftigkeit, müssen die Erhaltung und der Ausbau der deutschen Quantenindustrie Chef-Sache sein! Es muss oberstes politischen Ziel sein gemeinsam mit unseren europäischen Partnern im globalen Wettbewerb insbesondere gegenüber China eine führende Position einzunehmen und auszubauen. Schlussendlich muss Deutschland in der Lage sein, Quantentechnologien zu entwickeln, auf eigenem Grund zu betreiben und anzuwenden. Deshalb sprechen wir uns dafür aus, dass die zukünftige Bundesregierung die Quantenindustrie und -technologien zur Chef-Sache macht. eine ambitionierte Strategie entwickelt und die Fähigkeit zur Umsetzung schafft. die Nutzbarmachung und Kommerzialisierung der QT priorisiert. Full-Stack Quantencomputer fördert und Zugang insb. für KMU schafft. relevante Quantencomputing-Anwendungen identifiziert und entwickeln lässt. Quanten-Schlüsselverteilung und Post-Quanten-Kryptografie flächig integriert. Das Potential von Quantensensoren und deren industrieller Anwendung hebelt. Testumgebungen und Pilotlinien insb. für Quantenchips aufbaut. kurzfristig Wachstumskapital bereitstellt und starke Anreize für Investments setzt. den Staat als Abnehmer und Anwender mittels schlanker Beschaffung etabliert. Ausbildung, Fachkräfte, Standardisierung und internat. Zusammenarbeit fördert. Es ist noch nicht zu spät! – Durch entschlossenes Handeln, gezielte Investitionen und strategische Partnerschaften kann Deutschland ein globales Powerhouse in der Quantenindustrie werden und nachhaltig vom gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzial der Quantentechnologien profitieren. Wir, QBN, setzten unsere Expertise und unser Netzwerk tatkräftig zur Förderung der Quantentechnologien und deren Anwendungen zum Wohle von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Umwelt in Deutschland und Europa ein. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam im von den Vereinten Nationen deklarierten Internationalen Jahr der Quantentechnologien und -wissenschaften 2025 die Weichen für Aufschwung in Deutschland und Europa stellen. Download Wahlpapier: QBN zur Bundestagswahl 2025 – Eine starke Quantenindustrie für ein starkes Deutschland und Europa Kontakt Dipl.-Phys. Johannes Verst Quantum Business Network UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Fürkhofstr. 9 81927 München Deutschland 089 9545 9079 contact@qbn.world www.qbn.world
The joint statement, “Securing Tomorrow, Today: Transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography,” issued by cybersecurity authorities from 18 EU member states, underscores the critical need to transition to post-quantum cryptography (PQC). As quantum technology progresses, safeguarding our digital infrastructure against emerging threats is more important than ever. Key recommendations include: Immediate Action: Protect systems handling sensitive data against ‘store-now, decrypt-later’ attacks as soon as possible, and no later than 2030. Detailed Transition Plans: Develop robust migration roadmaps for public-key infrastructure systems within the same timeframe, incorporating crypto-agility to ensure resilience. Collaborative Efforts: Promote research, standardization, and cross-sector engagement to address the quantum threat proactively. Recognizing the collective responsibility, a Work Stream on PQC, co-chaired by France, Germany, and the Netherlands, has been established under the NIS Cooperation Group to lead these efforts. This initiative reflects a united commitment to securing Europe’s digital sovereignty and resilience. We welcome this recommendation, particularly in light of the rapid advancements in quantum technology and the recent announcement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to stop using vulnerable cryptographic algorithms such as RSA and ECDSA by 2035 (more details here). This shift highlights the urgency of adopting quantum-resistant standards to ensure secure and resilient communication systems. At QBN, through our Working Group on Quantum Communication & Cybersecurity, we bring together leading experts from science, industry, and policy to address challenges in securing communication systems against quantum threats. By fostering collaboration and innovation, we actively support the development and adoption of quantum-safe solutions, ensuring a secure and resilient digital future. For more insights, read the full announcement here: BSI – Securing Tomorrow, Today: Transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography
QBN´s Note: “It´s remarkable to witness the outstanding growth of one of our earliest QBN members, who has just launched an exciting new product. Our CEO, Johannes Verst, joined the event to mark this milestone firsthand, reflecting the inspiring journey of innovation and success within our network. Moments like these make us proud to support and nurture our members.” Original Press Release: 22 November 2024 OrangeQS Max makes it possible to test new, more powerful quantum chips more quickly and with fewer resources. This will help usher in the next generation of quantum computers The product has been developed in collaboration with quantum computer manufacturer IQM to ensure it meets the needs of the industry. It is available now, with configurations that can be tailored to the needs of each customer With the OrangeQS Max operational, Europe is not only ready to deliver quantum computers today, but has a robust value chain and processes in place to develop better quantum chips, fast Dutch quantum technology company Orange Quantum Systems [OrangeQS] has today launched the OrangeQS Max, which is designed to accelerate the development of quantum computers by making it possible to test new, more powerful quantum chips with a fraction of the R&D resources that are normally required for such testing. Increasing the quality and quantity of qubits on a quantum chip is the key bottleneck in the development of more powerful quantum computers. Faster, more efficient testing of chips allows for a faster journey from development to commercial production for these chips. OrangeQS Max is a full-stack test system that can characterize quantum chips with 100+ qubits and tunable couplers via an automated approach, available at the press of a button. Testing equipment no longer needs to be operated by a quantum physicist, freeing up valuable experts to focus on the design of better quantum chips and quantum computers. This way of working is new to the quantum industry, where quantum chip fabs usually design, build, and maintain their own bespoke equipment. Developed in collaboration with IQM OrangeQS has worked with quantum computer manufacturer IQM to ensure the OrangeQS Max meets the needs of today’s commercial chip testing processes to support the operation of IQM’s quantum processor fabrication line. The product is factory acceptance tested on an IQM’s chip and will be shipped to IQM. OrangeQS Max is available now, with configurations that can be tailored to the needs of each customer. About Orange Quantum Systems: OrangeQS builds test equipment to test quantum chips. The Dutch company was founded in 2020 as a QuTech spin-off. Located in Delft, the Netherlands, the team has grown to 27 full-time employees and has been delivering software and equipment for R&D into quantum chips for three years. OrangeQS has top advisors with experience at ASML, NXP and QuTech, as well as David DiVincenzo, a distinguished scientist in the field of quantum information. Together with an EIC Accelerator grant and a VC-backed investment round, this allows OrangeQS to deliver test equipment to the emerging global quantum industry. Find out more at orangeqs.com
While Quantum Technologies show already in their early development what transformative power they can release in the next year, we have a unique chance to set the course in the right direction: using quantum technologies to address global and societal challenges. Quantum For Good is an important part of QBNs mission and the International Year of Quantum is around the corner. It was therefore a matter of course that QBN participated in the Quantum For Good Conference, organized by the United Nations International Computing Centre UNICC, the International Telecommunications Union and Quantum Delta Netherlands on Nov 20 & 21 in The Hague. Is great to see such a powerful initiative has taken up the cause. Together we can drive quantum and leverage the power of quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communication for the greatest good of humanity, i.e. solve pressing issues like climate change, in healthcare, and food security. And what is better than using the 2025, the International Year of Quantum, to push the highest possible task, serving a bright future? Objectives of the Initiative: Raise Global Awareness Forge Strategic Partnerships Accelerate Practical Solutions Shape Informed Policy Inspire Global Action QBN is fully committed and invites everyone to join the movement to tackle the quantum devide, providing access to quantum technologies for everyone around the globe and driving quantum use-cases for good. Thanks to Sameer Chauhan, Director UNICC and Pieter de Witte, Board Member Quantum Delta NL and all the others for the great discussions, valuable impulses and over all the joint vision of a great future enabled by quantum technologies. Let’s celebrate the IYQ and the opportunities of quantum and raise awareness of its importance for sustainability and unity! More about ton: https://www.unicc.org/quantum-for-good-nov-2024/ Want to shape the future of our planet? -> Contact us today!
Bringing together end-users and developers with suppliers and integrators in a trust-based environment creates the perfect foundation for valuable business and collaboration opportunities
Bringing together end-users and developers with suppliers and integrators in a trust-based environment creates the perfect foundation for valuable business and collaboration opportunities
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