News from QBN, its Members and
the World of Quantum Technologies

IQM partnering with Atos and CSC

IQM announces the formation of a partnership with Atos and CSC – IT Center for Science to create the first comprehensive 100% European quantum ecosystem which includes a simulator, universal programming environment and quantum hardware.

IQM was selected for up to €17.5M funding

IQM has just been awarded a €2.5M grant and up to €15M of equity investment for their currently open Series A round from the EIC Accelerator program, for the development of quantum computers benefiting the industry and the society at large. Simultaneously we are happy to unveil our first quantum computer design to set the phase in our technology roadmap.

Fraunhofer IAF errichtet ein Applikationslabor für Quantensensorik

Um den Transfer von Forschungsentwicklungen aus dem Bereich der Quantensensorik in industrielle Anwendungen voranzubringen, entsteht am Fraunhofer IAF ein Applikationslabor. Damit sollen interessierte Unternehmen und insbesondere regionale KMU sowie Start-ups die Möglichkeit erhalten, das Innovationspotenzial von Quantensensoren für ihre spezifischen Anforderungen zu evaluieren.

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