To download presentations, agenda, workshop results and participant list, visit QBN Meeting on Diamond Quantum Sensing event page.
On 7th of July the QBN Meeting on Diamond Quantum Sensing took place online and it was second very successful meeting in the series of quantum sensing. Many top experts proved with their presentations, that diamonds are not only stunning charms, but also contribute to some of the latest and most incredible innovations.
Diamond atoms have properties controlled by laws of quantum mechanics just like any other atom, but there is something special about those precious stones – due to their hardness, diamonds can keep quantum states for milliseconds even at room temperature, and that is a lot more than any other substance. A millisecond is a lot in quantum world and this special property opens various applications in magnetometry, quantum computing and sensing, the central topic of this meeting.

The meeting started with a few welcoming words from CEO and founder of Quantum Business Network, Johannes Verst. Afterwards first presentation ‘’Nanoscale NMR enabled by diamond spin qubits’’ was given by Prof Dr Fedor Jelezko, presenting remarkable research results from University Ulm. Next Dr Matthew Markham, Principal Research Scientist at Element Six, which supported the meeting, showed several unique characteristics of diamonds in his talk ‘’Diamond Quantum Technologies’’. In the third presentation ‘’Improving the performance of quantum sensors using quantum control’’ Viktor Perunicic from Q-Ctrl introduced quantum solutions of his company.

Following that, attendees had the opportunity to get to know one another on a more personal level and network with prospective business partners in face-to-face networking sessions. Networking is an excellent way to learn about newest initiatives and find common business ideas.

After participants had gotten to know each other individually, they were ready to discuss their ideas as a group in a workshop. The main topic of the workshop was technology transfer and start-up support, which is essential for the growth of quantum industry. After enthusiastic brainstorming QBN was able to set up some interesting action items for future tasks of this working group.

The second session of presentations started with a great talk including some application case studies ‘’Quantum metrology enabled by Qnami Diamond Sensors’’ by Marcelo Gonzalez, quantum engineer at Qnami, a member of QBN and also supporter of this meeting. Next Dr Artur Lozovoi from CUNY – City College of New York shared his knowledge about physics of diamonds in the key note ‘’ The nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond as a source of nuclear spin polarization’’.

The industry and start-up pitches – ‘’Diamond enabled Magnetic intelligence for geophysical applications’’ by David Roy-Guayand Rachel Taylor from SB Quantum, ‘’Progress and direction of quantum magnetometry in the geological sciences’’ by Roger Fu from Harvard University and ‘‘Quantum technology enables simple-to-use, ultrasensitive diagnostics platform’’ by John Pena from QDTI – revealed the most up-to-date sensing technologies already applied to real-world problems.
Special thanks to all participants not only for their open and very valuable contribution but also for making the QBN Meeting on Diamond Quantum Sensing to a high-quality meeting with a trust-based environment for knowledge exchange and collaboration.