Doktorand*in im Bereich angewandter Quantensensorik / Kernspinresonanz

DIE QUANTENTECHNOLOGIE IST GENAU IHR THEMA? DAS FRAUNHOFER IAF IN FREIBURG BIETET IHNEN AB SOFORT EINE SPANNENDE TÄTIGKEIT ALS DOKTORAND*IN IM BEREICH ANGEWANDTER QUANTENSENSORIK / KERNSPINRESONANZ Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF zählt zu den führenden Forschungseinrichtungen weltweit auf den Gebieten der III/V-Halbleiter und des Diamanten. Wir erforschen und entwickeln gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern aus Industrie […]
Wissenschaftler*in im Bereich Quantencomputing

SPINTRONIK UND QUANTENGATTER SIND GENAU IHRE THEMEN? DAS FRAUNHOFER IAF IN FREIBURG BIETET IHNEN AB SOFORT EINE SPANNENDE TÄTIGKEIT ALS WISSENSCHAFTLER*IN IM BEREICH QUANTENCOMPUTING Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF zählt zu den führenden Forschungseinrichtungen weltweit auf den Gebieten der III/V-Halbleiter und des Diamanten. Wir erforschen und entwickeln gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern aus Industrie und Wissenschaft […]
PhD CASE studentship – UCL department of Physics & Astronomy
PhD proposal – Exploring complexity and scalability of Near-term Quantum Computing algorithms for Quantum Chemistry CASE studentship – UCL department of Physics & Astronomy, Rahko First supervisor – Pr. Jonathan Tennyson Second supervisor – TBD Start: September 2020 Location: UCL Central London Context The study of molecular systems is heavily limited by current computing capabilities. […]
Rahko is inviting applications for 3-6 month internships and industry placements in the following disciplines: Marketing and Communications Human Resources Flexible work arrangements are available. Please send your CV to [wpml_mailto email=””][/wpml_mailto] and let us know: What are your areas of interest? What do you want to gain from working with Rahko? Rahko is […]
Microwave/RF engineer

Superconducting qubit technology operates at the frequency range of several GHz, and qubit test circuits and quantum processors require highly sophisticated microwave engineering solutions. For this end, we are seeking for a competent microwave engineer to support our quantum group in modeling and designing the microwave solutions for the quantum computing applications in different levels. […]
Head of People

IQM is building quantum computers IQM is a spin-out from Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The team’s pioneering work has already yielded breakthroughs in fundamental quantum computing hardware technologies. These innovations position IQM as an emerging hardware leader in the global effort to develop a large-scale quantum computing solutions for practical […]
Business Controller

We are building quantum computers IQM is a spin-out from Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The team’s pioneering work has already yielded breakthroughs in fundamental quantum computing hardware technologies. These innovations position IQM as an emerging hardware leader in the global effort to develop a large-scale quantum computing solutions for practical […]
Senior Software Engineer/Lead Developer

You get to be a critical contributor in building and defining truly novel and groundbreaking new technology – quantum computers. Software or IT focused specialists do not need to understand quantum computation in their work, although willingness to learn is of course an advantage. You are smart and get things done. You have solid programming […]
Machine Learning Scientist
As a Machine Learning Scientist with Rahko, you will join a small, fast-growing, diverse team with an international profile, working on classical and quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry, machine learning and optimization. You will work closely with quantum chemists to develop state-of-the-art methods for the prediction of molecular properties. Location: London, Finsbury Park Salary: competitive Position type: […]
Computational Quantum Chemist
As a Computational Quantum Chemist with Rahko, you will join a small, fast-growing, diverse team with an international profile, working on classical and quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry, machine learning and optimization. You will work closely with machine learning scientists to develop state-of-the-art methods for the prediction of molecular properties. Location: London, Finsbury Park Salary: competitive Position […]