QBN Meeting on Photonic Quantum Computing on October 12

26 October, 2022 6:02 pm

To download presentations, agenda and participant list, please visit QBN Meeting on Photonic Quantum Computing event page.

On October 12 leading quantum experts made it all the way to Enschede to attend the QBN Meeting on Photonic Quantum Computing. The charming eastern Netherlands city is also home to leading photonic quantum processor provider Quix Quantum, which hosted this event and made sure that participants have a trust-based space to exchange their knowledge on state-of-the-art technologies and discuss future projects.

Photonic quantum computing has become one of the most promising approaches to universal quantum computing, due to its advantageous features like ability to operate at room temperature and high data transmission capacity and speed. In this meeting brilliant experts from academia and industry introduced ways to implement photonic processors in today’s technology for maximal benefit and present the newest solutions of their companies.

Jörn Epping, Senior Project Manager of Quix Quantum

Jelmer Renema, CTO of Quix Quantum

The meeting started with welcoming words from Johannes Verst, CEO at QBN, and an overview of Quix Quantum’s journey presented by CTO Jelmer Renema. Next Fabio Sciarrino, Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, perfectly introduced photonic quantum computing in his talk “Photonics quantum sampling machine based on hybrid integrated photonics”. Afterwards we dove a deeper in the technology with the presentation “Programmable Quantum Photonic Processors” by Jörn Epping, Senior Project Manager of Quix Quantum.

Having heard such interesting presentations, participants happily discussed their thoughts and newfound ideas in the networking break. This also posed a great opportunity to find similar business goals and build collaborations. After the break “Towards European standards for quantum technologies” by Oskar van Deventer, Chair of CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies at TNO, illustrated important measures to accelerate development of European quantum industry.

Fabio Sciarrino, Professor at Sapienza University of Rome

Oskar van Deventer, Chair of CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies at TNO

Next up in the agenda was exciting Quix Quantum’s labs visit. It was impressive to see the place where the most modern quantum photonic processors and custom integrated devices for quantum photonics are made. Later Benjamin Brecht, Group leader Quantum Networks and Manager of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) at University of Paderborn, gave a great talk about “Investigating losses in quantum walks”. The presentation session was concluded by Pepijn Pinkse, Adaptive Quantum Optics chair, Director of the Center for QUantum Nanotechnology Twente (QUANT) at University of Twente with a talk “Quantum Information Processing with an Integrated Photonic Processor”.

In the following pitch session companies from the whole supply chain showed their market-ready innovations and photonic solutions: “Photonic Quantum Computing using semiconductor technologies” by Valérian Giesz from Quandela, “Compact cryostat solutions and infrastructure autonomy for industrial sub 4K applications” by Sebastian Schaile from Attocube Systems, “Scalable quantum light sources for photonic quantum information processing” by Scott Dufferwiel from Aegiq, “SiPhotonIC: Advanced photonic integration for Quantum PIC prototyping” by Stelios Pitris from SIPhotonIC, “Highly Scalable Photon Detection Platform for Optical Quantum Computing” by Wladick Hartmann from Pixel Photonics and “Optical Digital Computing – The Quantum Janitor” by Michael Kissner from Akhetonics. It was great to see how the photonic quantum technology supply and application range is expanding.

Special thanks to all participants not only for their open and very valuable contribution but also for making the QBN Meeting on Photonic Quantum Computing to a high-quality meeting with a trust-based environment for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

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