To download presentations, agenda and participant list, please visit QBN Meeting on Looking Beyond User Access & Simulators event page.
The second day, November 25, of the business trip to Finland continued with QBN Meeting on Looking Beyond User Access & Simulators. The exclusive event once again gathered enthusiastic quantum experts in the IQM’s headquarters, which was one of the hosts of the meeting alongside Quanscient, quantum-powered cloud-simulation platform provider, that also greatly supported the organization process.
This time the meeting was all about the quantum software development and accessibility. As quantum hardware is rapidly developing, enterprises ranging from start-ups to large companies must be prepared for the most powerful quantum processors. The full potential of these new technologies can only be unleashed by utilizing uniquely designed algorithms for simulation, optimization problems and many other applications. This meeting was a great chance to explore quantum computing software strategies tailored to today’s hardware architectures used by leading quantum actors.
Valtteri Lahtinen, CSO of Quanscient
Vincent van Wingerden, Business Development Manager Europe at Classiq
Johannes Verst, CEO of QBN, started the meeting with a short welcoming speech and next Valtteri Lahtinen, CSO of Quanscient, gave an overview of his company. The first keynote ‘’Quantum computing through software engineering lenses’’ was given by Tommi Mikkonen from University of Jyväskylä, who gave deeper insights in the technical software concepts. Vincent van Wingerden from Classiq talked about ready to use solutions in his presentation ‘’Making quantum software development accessible using the Classiq platform’’. After a short and conversational networking break Raghunath Koduvayur from IQM carried on with the talk ‘’IQM’s quantum computing strategy’’ and shared some innovative methods.
Next the participants could look further into IQM’s approach in the lab visit. It was a unique chance to see a part of superconducting quantum processor development process lead by most knowledgeable professionals that were also happy to answer a variety of captivating questions.
The next presentation session was kicked-off by Alona Sakhnenko from Fraunhofer IKS with a talk ’’ Machine learning and simulation on NISQ devices’’ about capabilities of today’s quantum computers. Significant numerical results were presented in the speech ‘’ Future of multiphysics: Quantum lattice Boltzmann method’’ by Ljubomir Budinski from Quanscient and the University of Novi Sad. He was followed by an impressive talk by Ville Kotovirta from VTT and the meeting was then greatly closed by Marco Maronese from Qbrain by looking into maximal potential of the future technologies in the presentation ‘’ Unleashing the power of quantum hardware by deep learning-based software’’.
Alona Sakhnenko, Scientist at Fraunhofer IKS
Special thanks to all participants not only for their open and very valuable contribution but also for making the QBN Meeting on Looking Beyond User Access & Simulators to a high-quality meeting with a trust-based environment for knowledge exchange and collaboration.