To download presentations, agenda, workshop results and participant list, visit QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication event page.
According to the participants the QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication on 23rd of March was one of the most high-quality quantum technologies workshops that they have participated in, in a long time. The meeting with focus on satellite communication brought together many brilliant experts from academia and industry to discuss the latest and most advanced technologies, for valuable networking and to work together on an even more flourishing European Quantum Industry.
As computers are evolving, it has become difficult to secure sensitive data from hackers and security is extremely important in our technology-driven world. Quantum communication has great implications for how we do business in the future – one of the most well known and developed applications is quantum key distribution, which will enormously enhance cyber security. The QBN Meeting was a great opportunity to reflect on the potential of quantum communication technologies and meet potential collaboration partners.

Johannes Verst, founder and CEO of the Quantum Business Network, kicked-off the meeting with a few welcoming words and afterwards Matthias Motzigemba, Head of Sales Laser Communication at Tesat-Spacecom, which supported the meeting, gave valuable insights in newest laser technologies.

In the first key note ‘’Impact of Quantum Technologies on Cyber Security’’ Stefan Röhrich, Head of Certifications and Approvals of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity presented new and modern ways to eliminate cyber threats. Dr Matthias Lienert from Research Institute CODE (Bundeswehr University Munich) revealed the goals of MuQuaNet project and highlighted the importance of fully functioning quantum communication infrastructure in his talk ‘’MuQuaNet – The quantum communication network in the Munich area’’.

After the first two key notes participants had a chance to express their thoughts on QKD applications beyond space-tech in a workshop. A lot of great concepts were discussed and written down on the virtual blackboard. Afterwards guests voted for the best ideas and clarified the main objectives to promote development of quantum industry and market.
In the 5-minute one-to-one networking sessions participants had an opportunity to get to know each other, debate further ideas and build new collaborations. Throughout the sessions a lot of smiles were seen, and contacts were exchanged.

The second series of presentations started with a great talk ‘’Space QKD – Prospects and Challenges’’ by Adrew Thain from Airbus. Next Dr Frank Heine from Tesat-spacecom showed operation principles of optical space network in key note ‘’ Space Based Optical Telecommunication and Quantumtechnologies’’. Dr Bettina Heim from OHB shared her knowledge on evolution and future potential of space-tech in presentation ‘’Satellite-based Quantum Communication from the perspective of a Large System Integrator’’.

The industry and start-up pitches – ‘’High-purity single-photon technology for supercharging quantum communication’’ by Dr Maksym Sich from AegiQ, ‘’Magnetic Refrigerators for Quantum Communication’’ by Dr Alexander Regnat from kiutra, ‘’Satellite-based quantum computing with diamonds’’ by Dr Andrew Horsley from Quantum Brilliance and ‘’3D printed photonic waveguides and micros-lenses: From classical optical communications to quantum applications’’ by Dr Sebastian Skacel from Vanguard Automation – demonstrated the newest technologies already in production and available in future.
Special thanks to all attendees not only for their open and very valuable contribution but also for making the QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication to a high-quality meeting with a trust-based environment for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
The presentations, participants list and workshop results of every QBN Meeting will be available exclusively for QBN members in the internal member area on the QBN website.