Past Fundings

New funding call: Large-scale Copernicus data uptake with AI and HPC

Expected Outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Scope: To address the expected outcomes described above, applicants are requested to respond to one of the following challenges: For both challenges applicants are requested to provide quantitative measures of the progress beyond the state of the art. Deadline: 02 March 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time […]

New funding call: Measures to Establish Sustainable Joint Partner Structures

Mit diesem Förderaufruf sollen in einem wettbewerblichen Verfahren Projekte zur Etablierung oder Erweiterung institutionalisierter und nachhaltiger länderübergreifender Partnerschaften gefördert werden. Neue Forschungsstrukturen und -netzwerke in den Partnerländern (Länder der Östlichen Partnerschaft und Zentralasiens, siehe oben) sollen initiiert oder gestärkt werden. Zugleich soll den Partnereinrichtungen ein verbesserter Zugang zu themenorientierten Netzwerken und Forschungsressourcen im Europäischen Forschungsraum ermöglicht werden. […]

|Horizon Europe〉Quantum sensing technologies for market uptake (IA)

Expected Outcome: Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes: A host of mature quantum sensing technologies and devices (TRL 6-7) in many different application sectors, with the goal of establishing a reliable, efficient supply chain including first standardisation and calibration efforts for rapid market uptake.  Scope: Proposals should address the development […]

New funding call: Applied Quantum Computing Challenge program

Quantum computing represents a paradigm shift with the potential to bring transformative capabilities across a wide range of sectors and applications. Intermediate‑scale quantum computers available through cloud platforms have made great progress in recent years. This advance is accompanied by a surge in research and development towards the discovery of new algorithms and applications that […]

|EIC Pathfinder Challenge 〉Alternative approaches to Quantum Information Processing, Communication, and Sensing

The Quantum Flagship is currently focused on mainstream quantum technologies, in qubit implementation, sensors and other areas. Nevertheless, alternative implementations/platforms and so far, unexploited (controllable) quantum principles exist and could become key elements in future quantum systems. Such new implementations and principles could lead to breakthrough innovations and enable new players to offer unique solutions […]

PEPR Quantum Technologies – Call for projects – 2023

This is an automatic translation from French, to see the information in the original language please follow this link. The Quantum Technologies Priority Research Program and Equipment (PEPR) is specifically intended to support the research effort of the scientific community and constitutes the upstream part of the national quantum strategy (TRL 1 to 4). France’s […]

New funding call: Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuit technologies (RIA)

Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) technologies on one side and quantum science on the other are the building blocks for development of Quantum PIC (QPIC) devices for quantum information processing, computation/simulation, communication, sensing or metrology. Photon-based approaches can address the huge challenge of implementing quantum processes in public infrastructures, challenging industry applications and compact everyday-life devices […]

|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreement for developing the first large-scale quantum computers (FPA)

Expected Outcome: Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in quantum computing are expected to establish a stable and structured partnership between the Commission and the institutions and organisations in quantum computing who commit themselves to establishing, maintaining and implementing a strategic research roadmap aligned with and contributing to the Quantum Flagship Strategic Research Agenda in a scalable […]

New funding call: Quantum Sensors – 2023

Within the national quantum strategy, started in 2021, the ANR launches a call for research proposals in quantum sensors and quantum metrology. The roadmap of the national quantum strategy includes a response to needs in the metrology domain, that correspond to developments in quantum technologies. This call for proposals aims at funding high quality research […]

|Horizon Europe〉Transition towards Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

Expected Outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to at least three of the following expected outcomes: Measuring, assessing and standardizing/certifying future-proof cryptography Addressing gaps between the theoretical possibilities offered by quantum resistant cryptography and its practical implementations Quantum resistant cryptographic primitives and protocols encompassed in security solutions Solutions and methods that could be used to […]

New funding call: KMU-innovative: photonics and quantum technologies

Förderziel und Zuwendungszweck Mit dieser Fördermaßnahme „KMU-innovativ: Photonik und Quantentechnologien“ verfolgt das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) das Ziel, das Innovationspotenzial kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen (KMU) im Bereich der Spitzenforschung zu stärken sowie die Forschungsförderung im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Photonik Forschung Deutschland“ insbesondere für erstantragstellende KMU attraktiver zu gestalten. Dazu hat das BMBF die […]

New funding call: Next generation quantum sensing and metrology technologies (RIA)

Expected Outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to demonstrate the feasibility of next generation quantum sensing and metrology technologies and devices by showing disruptive progress in the performance, reliability and efficiency and application of such technologies and devices and by enhancing the TRL of all (essential) components necessary to build them. Scope: Proposals should focus […]

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