To download presentations, agenda and participant list, please visit QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication event page.
On April 5 quantum experts met in Jena – one of the most important cities of Germany in optics and photonics industry – to attend the QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication. The meeting was hosted by Quantum Optics Jena, which provided a great place and trusting environment to discuss the latest advancements and business challenges with speakers and attendees from the entire supply chain.
Quantum communication is a field of physics, which is deeply connected to quantum information processing and quantum teleportation. Its most well-known application is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). QKD uses quantum mechanical effects for encryption, which is so safe, that it can protect information channels against eavesdropping even when quantum computers are involved. An essential part of an effective encryption scheme is true randomness, which is generated by single photon sources. These technologies as well as its industry applications were the main focus of the meeting.

The meeting was opened by Johannes Verst, the CEO of QBN, with a few welcoming words and exciting news from the network. The first presentation session was then started by Dietmar Hilke from Cisco with the talk “Information security requirements for agencies and governments”. Dr Kevin Füchsel, CEO of Quantum Optics Jena, followed by outlining the advancement of QKD systems in the presentation “Quantum Key Distribution with Entangled Photons – from Lab to Fab”. Next Dr Kay-Uwe Giering from Fraunhofer IIS/EAS explained the advantages of a modular electronics platform in the keynote “Miniaturised nanoelectronics for QKD applications”.

After an inspiring presentation session participants discussed the heard concepts and built connections with other attendees in a networking pause. Parallel to the networking, lab visit took place and guests had the unique opportunity to see Quantum Optics Jena lab, where innovations such as high-performance entangled photon sources, QKD systems for fiber networks and satellites and more are made.

Dr Thomas Lebeth from dacoso kicked off the second presentation session with the talk “Implementing Quantum Safe Solutions – experiences & expectations”, where he revealed the key details of QKD and Post Quantum Cryptography technologies. Next Dr Falk Eilenberger and Dr Tobias Vogl from Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller University, which is a member of QBN, showed physics behind the emitters in the keynote “Single Photon Emitters in 2D-Materials: Towards integrated, nanoscale Single Photon Emitters”. The session was concluded by presenting the iniative “QuNET – Quantum Technologies for Secure Communication”.

After two interesting presentation sessions it was time to look at the most modern technologies of our members that are already available today in Industry & Startup Pitches – “Quantum key distribution based on coherent telecommunication” by Ulrich Eismann from KEEQuant, “Highly-Scalable Single-Photon Detection for High-Speed QKD” by Dr Wladick Hartmann from Pixel Photonics and “The New Standard in Single Photon Detection: Single Quantum SNSPD” by Dr Jessie Qin-Dregely from Single Quantum.
Special thanks to all participants not only for their open and very valuable contribution but also for making the QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication to a high-quality meeting with a trust-based environment for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
See you at the next QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication at KEEQuant.