QAI Ventures Selects Startups For The Accelerator Program’s Second Cohort

3 June, 2024 2:53 pm
  • QAI Ventures announced the selection of its second cohort of startups for the QAI Ventures Accelerator program.
  • Startups include Commutator Studios (Germany), Munich Quantum Instruments (Germany), QCentroid (Spain), QPerfect (France), Quantized Technology (Canada), Scenario X (Switzerland), and ZuriQ (Switzerland).
  • QAI Ventures is a Quantum-focused VC Fund and Startup Accelerator with offices in Arlesheim, Switzerland, and Calgary, Canada.

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The Quantum Startups joining the second QAI Ventures Accelerator cohort include:

Commutator Studios builds developer tools that boost the performance of quantum applications running on current quantum computers. /Quantum Computing, Software

Munich Quantum Instruments (MQI) develops scalable photonic quantum sensors that can be applied in breakthrough discoveries and disruptive applications such as optical quantum computers, quantum sensing, deep space optical communication, and quantum communication. /Quantum Sensing

QCentroid is the QuantumOps platform that revolutionizes the way enterprises test, compare, and deploy advanced computational solutions, driving business efficiency and achieving net zero goals simultaneously  /Quantum Computing, Software

QPerfect is developing a performant quantum operating system tightly integrated with hardware components to boost digital quantum computers in speed, scale, accuracy, and uptime. This first Quantum Booster will make the crucial leap from NISQ (noisy intermediate scale quantum) to practical quantum computing (error-corrected and large-scale) a reality.  /Quantum Computing, Software

Quantized Technology (QTI) is pioneering the frontier of secure communications and is developing patent-pending quantum data encryption technology to protect customer data in the AI and quantum era. QTi’s solution is based on next-gen quantum communications technology to provide unprecedented security and cost-effective network scaling. /Quantum Communications

Scenario X is an AI-powered platform* for financial institutions to forecast economic scenarios, perform proactive risk and financial modeling, and perform stress testing. The solution can help reduce modeling costs by up to 50%, enhance efficiency by up to 60%, and add significant value to clients. /Financial Advanced AI
*During the accelerator program, Scenario X will collaborate closely with the QuantumBasel team to adapt their algorithms to run in a Quantum environment.

ZuriQ is developing the hardware at the bottom of the stack for a scalable quantum computer based on trapped ions. Compared to competing approaches, ZuriQ’s innovation removes a fundamental scaling bottleneck by natively supporting ion transport in three dimensions. /Quantum computing, Hardware

During the five-month program starting on June 17th, 2024, QAI Ventures will provide comprehensive support for the startups’ business development. This includes access to a global mentor network, valuable connections to industry partners, and guidance to ensure they are investment-ready.

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