Quantum technologies can not only make satellite communications totally secure; they can also improve satellite technology through better materials, more efficient data processing and novel positioning.
The Network Meeting of the German Center for Satellite Communications (German: Deutsches Zentrum für Satelliten-Kommunikation, DeSK) on 7 Oct 2020 was a great opportunity to introduce quantum technologies and their impact on satellite communications.
The virtual meeting was opened by Dilara Betz, Managing Director of DeSK followed by presentations with valuable insights in current research activities and satellite missions from different member organizations and the discussion of lessons learned from the pandemic.
To strengthen the collaboration with potential users Johannes Verst, CEO and founder of QBN afterwards gave a keynote of how satellite communications can benefit from current and future quantum technologies.
The German Center for Satellite Communications r.S. with its 42 members from science and industry aims to support collaboration as well as to promote the expansion of business relations among its members and in this way combines the expertise in a powerful network.
Thank you very much for the great meeting and the kind invitation.
More information about the DeSK: https://desk-sat.com