|BMBF-Fördermaßnahme〉Mikroelektronik-Forschungsfabrik neuartige Rechentechnologien (Module QNC)

Rechenintensive Technologien und Anwendungen wie das maschinelle Lernen, die Edge-Datenverarbeitung, die Optimierung komplexer Systeme wie z. B. Verkehrsflüsse und Produktionslinien, die Simulation chemischer Prozesse, z. B. zur Entwicklung neuer Medikamente oder leistungsfähiger Batterien für die Elektromobilität, bringen die klassischen Digitalrechner vermehrt an ihre Leistungsgrenzen. Neuartige Rechentechnologien, wie das Quanten- und neuromorphe Computing, versprechen insbesondere für die genannten Anwendungen deutliche […]
|Horizon Europe〉Quantum technologies for space gravimetry

Expected Outcome: • Support the EU space policy and the green deal by paving the way for the deployment of a future EU Earth observation mission making use of quantum gravimetry • Ensure EU non-dependence for the development of capacities leading to the availability of quantum space gravimetry • Enhance the TRL of all (critical) […]
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreement for developing the first large-scale quantum computers (FPA)

Expected Outcome: Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in quantum computing are expected to establish a stable and structured partnership between the Commission and the institutions and organisations in quantum computing who commit themselves to establishing, maintaining and implementing a strategic research roadmap aligned with and contributing to the Quantum Flagship Strategic Research Agenda in a scalable […]
|Horizon Europe〉Quantum sensing technologies for market uptake (IA)

Expected Outcome: Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes: A host of mature quantum sensing technologies and devices (TRL 6-7) in many different application sectors, with the goal of establishing a reliable, efficient supply chain including first standardisation and calibration efforts for rapid market uptake. Scope: Proposals should address the development […]
|Horizon Europe〉Basic Science for Quantum Technologies (RIA)

Expected Outcome: Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes: Opening up new avenues for potential growth in the field of quantum technologies Novel concepts, leading to more advanced technologies continue to support the basic science research carried out by the Quantum Technologies Flagship, ensuring that it informs the Flagship’s work in […]
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreements for open testing and experimentation and for pilot production capabilities for quantum technologies (FPA)

Expected Outcome: Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes: Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) respectively for open testing, experimentation, and for pilot production capabilities for quantum technologies are expected to establish stable and structured partnerships between the Commission and the institutions and organisations who commit themselves: To create long-term open, supportive and […]
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreement for developing large scale quantum simulation platform technologies (FPA)

Expected Outcome: Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in quantum simulation are expected to establish a stable and structured partnership between the Commission and the institutions and organisations in quantum simulation who commit themselves to establish, maintain and implement a strategic research roadmap in a scalable open quantum simulation platform based on a specific quantum simulation platform […]
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreements in Quantum Communications (FPA)

Expected Outcome: Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in Quantum Communication Technologies are expected to establish stable and structured partnerships between the Commission and the institutions and organisations who commit themselves to establish, maintain and implement a strategic research roadmap in Quantum Communication Technologies. These partnerships will be set up through two FPAs, which will enable the […]
|Horizon Europe〉Transition towards Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

Expected Outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to at least three of the following expected outcomes: Measuring, assessing and standardizing/certifying future-proof cryptography Addressing gaps between the theoretical possibilities offered by quantum resistant cryptography and its practical implementations Quantum resistant cryptographic primitives and protocols encompassed in security solutions Solutions and methods that could be used to […]
|Horizon Europe〉Strengthening the quantum software ecosystem for quantum computing platforms (RIA)

Expected Outcome: Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes: develop quantum-specific algorithms and methods to apply them to problem-solving in a wide variety of industrial fields, giving European industry a competitive edge. Scope: Fostering a European quantum computing industry will require hardware, software, and the development of user interfaces. Proposals should […]