Expected Outcome:
Proposal results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes:
- develop quantum-specific algorithms and methods to apply them to problem-solving in a wide variety of industrial fields, giving European industry a competitive edge.
Fostering a European quantum computing industry will require hardware, software, and the development of user interfaces. Proposals should address the development of quantum-specific algorithms and methods to solve problems, for example in chemical and materials simulation, data analysis and optimisation, and space data processing and mission planning, as well as the more general development of novel quantum algorithms for yet unexplored application areas.
Proposals should target the development of quantum applications and the development of industrial use cases for the quantum computers of the Quantum Technologies Flagship. Furthermore, proposals should target the development of quantum software stacks, libraries, etc., that facilitate the link from a high-level description of algorithms to a low-level implementation with quantum gates, for solving concrete problems and applications expected to demonstrate quantum advantage. The developed applications and software should be independent of the underlying qubit platform and their correct functioning should be tested on as many quantum computing platforms as possible within the Quantum Technologies Flagship.
Proposals should also cover: (i) the cooperation with projects of the Quantum Flagship supporting quantum computing platforms, including also the need to establish from the beginning of such cooperation appropriate IP exploitation agreements; (ii) any additional support they may receive from relevant national, or regional programmes and initiatives; and (iii) contribution to the governance and overall coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship initiative. They should also contribute to spreading excellence across Europe; for example, through the involvement of Widening Countries.
In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.
Planned opening date: 28 October 2021
Deadline: 27 January 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time
For more information, please visit the European Commisssion web page.