|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreement for developing large scale quantum simulation platform technologies (FPA)


Expected Outcome:

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in quantum simulation are expected to establish a stable and structured partnership between the Commission and the institutions and organisations in quantum simulation who commit themselves to establish, maintain and implement a strategic research roadmap in a scalable open quantum simulation platform based on a specific quantum simulation platform technology.

These partnerships will be set up through an FPA, which will enable the completion of the research roadmap within the context of the agreement.

The consortia responding to the call may include research institutes, universities, RTOs, foundations, industry, SMEs as well as other organisations that can play a role in the realisation of these quantum computing platforms. The FPA will specify the objectives, the nature of the actions planned, and the procedure for awarding specific grants. Each FPA is expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Fully programmable open quantum simulators reaching several hundred individual quantum constituents (by 2025/2026) and above 1000 quantum constituents (by 2029).
  • Improved levels of control and scalability and achievement of a further entropy reduction (by a factor of 2 in 2-3 years) of quantum simulators.
  • Demonstrated full quantum simulation stack and operational stability for various classes of problems by ensuring maximum online availability.
  • Wide accessibility to the quantum simulation platform facilities capable of outperforming the best supercomputers in physical simulations and in a large number of hard optimisation problems relevant for real-world use-cases.


Proposals for FPAs should aim to build quantum simulators that are capable of simulating far beyond classical possibilities for hard-to-compute quantum or classical systems. The resulting simulator should be based on and reinforce existing physical platforms (such as ultra-cold atoms, trapped ions, Rydberg atoms, photonics or other qubits), therefore consolidating the European scientific leadership in this field. The simulator platform should include user-interfaces and software to allow applications of real world problems in e.g. material science, quantum chemistry and others.

Proposals for FPAs should expand and strengthen the supply chain, aiming for the development of key enabling technologies while improving notions of control of quantum simulators. Entropy reduction and interaction engineering should be supported throughout.

Proposals for FPAs are expected to take in perspective the learning properties of physical systems or to make use of programmable quantum simulators to solve near-term problems of end-users. Applications should be identified in solving practical routing and scheduling problems, and in offering cloud services in the quantum simulation of strongly correlated quantum systems and materials. Proposals should also develop a comprehensive and strategic patent portfolio to protect innovations in the field of quantum simulation and to provide information about the IPRs that are open to licensing.

Proposals for FPAs should also cover: (i) the collaboration with other initiatives or programmes at regional, national, transnational or global level; (ii) any additional support they may receive in their activities from relevant national, or regional programmes and initiatives; and (iii) contribution to the governance and overall coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship initiative. They should also contribute to spreading excellence across Europe; for example, through the involvement of Widening Countries.

Planned opening date: 28 October 2021

Deadline: 27 January 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time

For more information, please visit the European Commisssion web page.

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