Quantum Leadership Session: Quantum Computing - Use Cases

22Oct15:0017:00Quantum Leadership Session: Quantum Computing - Use Cases


15:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024 - 17:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024(GMT+02:00) View in my time

QBN Quantum Leadership Session


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Event Details

Welcome to our Quantum Leadership Session! Join us for an engaging exploration of Quantum Computing Use Cases, featuring insights from industry leaders and experts.


Our session will highlight the diverse and transformative applications of quantum computing across various industries and domains. From optimization and simulation to cryptography and advances in healthcare, discover how quantum computing is revolutionizing traditional problem-solving approaches and unlocking new possibilities.

Date: October 22nd, 15:00 to 17:00 (GMT+01:00)
Format: Online Meeting + YouTube Stream
Key Highlights:

  • In-depth Discussions
  • Insightful Talks
  • Networking Opportunities

Speakers for this event

Quantum Business Network

We Build a Strong Quantum Industry Together!

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