QBN Meeting on Quantum Sensing

01Oct09:0017:00QBN Meeting on Quantum Sensing


9:00 am, 1 Oct 2020 - 17:00 pm, 1 Oct 2020(GMT+02:00) View in my time

Event Details

The 1st QBN Meeting on Quantum Sensing will be an online event. It will not take place at Fraunhofer IAF due to the corona pandemic. This QBN Meeting is supported by Fraunhofer IAF.

Meeting language: English

Learn from key notes and technical lectures from leading experts in science and industry about how quantum sensing and in particular diamond quantum sensing enable innovations beyond classical limits and with unique performance. The application workshop, the roundtable discussion with all parcticipants and the valueable networking support you in the exchange with the other participants to advance your business or research with new impulses, contacts and cooperations.


The revolutionization of today’s sensor, measurement and imaging technologies with quantum theory will help to solve social challenges in our global and digital age as well as in our everyday life. Quantum effects such as entanglement and squeezing enable the development of systems that go beyond the limits of classical measurement and sensor technology or achieve unique imaging performance.

Focus Session ‘Diamond’: Quantum sensors based on qubits in diamond are able to measure the smallest magnetic fields with highest spatial resolution and highest sensitivity at room temperature. The optimization of complex electronic circuits, the visualization of individual bits in electronic storage media as well as the improvement of magnetic resonance imaging in cancer and precise neuroimaging for medical diagnostics are just a few examples of applications that demonstrate their high industrial potential.


Robert Rölver
Robert Bosch GmbH

Prof. Dr. Jörg Wrachtup
Universität Stuttgart

Dr. Jan Jeske
Fraunhofer IAF

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Hennig
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

Dr. Friedemann Reinhard
Technische Universität München

Dr Andrew Horsley
Quantum Brilliance

Dr. Michael Förtsch

Felipe Favaro de Oliveira
Qnami AG

Dr. Gabriel Puebla-Hellmann
QZabre LLC


Images: Dr. Reinhard: Andreas Heddergott; Prof. Wrachtrup: David Ausserhofer


Welcoming words and Presentation of QBN
Johannes Verst, Quantum Business Network UG
Presentation of Fraunhofer IAF
Prof. Dr. Oliver Ambacher, Fraunhofer IAF
Quantum Sensing
Quantum Sensors – From Concepts to Market
Robert Rölver, Robert Bosch GmbH
Quantum Sensors with on-board Quantum Computers
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wrachtrup, Universität Stuttgart
Workshop, Discussion and Networking
Focus Session: Diamond Quantum Sensing
NV-Magnetometry for Medical Technology, Neurology, Micro-/Nano Electronics and Material Science
Jan Jeske, Fraunhofer IAF
Opportunties and Challenges for Quantum Sensing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Hennig, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Electronic integration of quantum sensors
Dr. Friedemann Reinhard, Technische Universität München
Industry & Start-up Pitches
Quantum to the network edge: NVs for mobile, distributed and parallel quantum computing
Dr Andrew Horsley, Quantum Brilliance
Industrial Quantum Technology
Dr. Michael Förtsch, Q.ANT GmbH
Sensing and making sense of the very small
Felipe Favaro de Oliveira, Qnami AG
New data made visible with scanning NV
Dr. Gabriel Puebla-Hellmann, QZabre LLC

QBN (Online) Meetings

The QBN (Online) Meetings are not ordinary (online) meetings, webinars or workshops. They are unique in terms of participants and topics and offer valuable market insights and networking opportunities.

The QBN Meetings offer a trustful environment for Open Innovation due to the limited number of participants. There is no livestream at our online meetings and each participant participates equally with video and audio.

The goal of the QBN Meetings is to identify and discuss relevant challenges and trends in R&D and business and to initiate collaborations. To this end, a special focus is placed on what each participant can do for the others and what the others can do for the individual. In the 1:1 meetings the participants can get to know each other personally and generate first ideas for joint projects. The workshops and roundtable discussions offer space for your visions and new inspiration.


All participants are asked to attend the entire meeting.

To participate you need access to a computer (preferred), smartphone or tablet. You can test the proper functioning of the video, microphone and speakers in the test meeting.

With your registration you agree that we can use your data to inform you about details of this event. QBN will also make the list of participants available to other participants or interested parties. Your participation will not be confirmed until you have received a confirmation email from us. With your registration you confirm that you have read and agree with our Events Terms and Conditions.

All prices are subject to the statutory value added tax.

If you have any questions, please contact info@quantumbusinessnetwork.de.

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