QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies is a consortium of Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) supporting research in Quantum Technologies (QT) in Europe. QuantERA II is supported by the European Union’s Future and Emerging Technologies programme (FET).
The funding organisations of QuantERA II jointly support European multilateral research projects with the potential to initiate or foster new lines of QT through collaborations exploring advanced multidisciplinary science and/or cutting-edge engineering.
QuantERA II will launch in March 2021 a joint transnational call for research proposals in Quantum Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (named Call 2021).

Funded projects in both topics are expected to address one or more of the following areas:
- Quantum communication
- Quantum simulation
- Quantum computation
- Quantum information sciences
- Quantum metrology sensing and imaging
Expected impacts
Funded projects are expected to significantly advance the state-of-the-art of quantum sciences and technologies by achieving one or more of the following targets:
- Develop a deeper fundamental and practical understanding of systems and protocols for manipulating and exploiting quantum information;
- Enhance the robustness and scalability of quantum information technologies in the presence of environmental decoherence, hence facilitating their real-world deployment;
- Develop reliable technologies for the different components of quantum architectures;
- Identify new opportunities and applications fostered through quantum technologies, and the possible ways to transfer these technologies from laboratories to industries;
- Enhance interdisciplinarity in crossing traditional boundaries between disciplines in order to enlarge the community involved in tackling these new challenges;
- Create a diverse and inclusive quantum community;
- Spread excellence throughout Europe by involving partners from the widening countries;
- Build leading innovation capacity across Europe by involvement of key actors that can make a difference in the future, for example excellent young researchers, ambitious hightech SMEs or first-time participants.
13th May 2021, 17:00 CET for pre-proposal submission
15th September 2021, 17:00 CET for full proposal submission
You can find more information in Pre-Announcement and QuantERA homepage.