The QBN Webinar “Diamond Quantum Sensing” took place on Jun 23, 2021 with super exciting presentations from Qnami, Element Six and Q.ANT. It provides exciting insights into an even more exciting future. If you would like to see first commercially available products as well as fantastic applications, from magnetometry to denied GPS and a brain machine interface, empowered by state of the art in diamond engineering and sensor development, watch it on demand.
- Quantum Materials for Sensing
Dr Matthew Markham, Principal Research Scientist, Element Six - Supporting the development of new computing technologies with quantum metrology
Dr Mathieu Munsch, CEO and Co-founder, Qnami - Diamond Quantum Sensing – An industry perspective
Dr Robert Rölver, Senior Project Manager, Q.ANT
You can watch this and all the other QBN Webinars as well as the EQL Sessions on demand on the QBN YouTube Channel.
A big thank you to the speakers for their fantastic talks and to all participants!

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Besides the comprehensive portfolio of activities and support services, the Quantum Business Network has also three event formats:
- The QBN Meetings are our working group meetings with experts from the whole ecosystem. They are exclusive, non-public meetings on different fields of quantum technologies focusing on business collaborations, knowledge exchange and personal networking in a trust-based environment.
- The QBN Webinars provide you deep insights with live demos of quantum technologies and its current applications from leading organizations.
- The European Quantum Leadership sessions present you leading startups, companies and RTOs from the different fields of quantum technologies and its value chains and show you, how Europe paves the way to its industrial quantum leadership.