Member: OpTecBB e.V.

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. is the competence network for optical technologies and microsystems technology in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. OpTecBB e.V. is an initiative of companies and scientific institutions in Berlin-Brandenburg which aim to explore and use these technologies together. OpTecBB e.V. was founded on 14 September 2000 by companies, research institutions, universities and associations with the support of the responsible state ministries of Brandenburg and the Berlin Senate. Today the association has around 130 institutional members.


OpTecBB organises and designs a platform for networking the stakeholders within the region as well as for networking the region with other photonics clusters. We make decisive contributions to the strategic orientation of optical technologies and microsystems technology in the capital region and see the associated technological focus as our responsibility.

  • We combine our activities in the field of optical technologies and microsystems technology to deliver benefits to companies, research and development institutions, educational institutions and the world of politics.
  • We network the stakeholders in the Berlin-Brandenburg region through an organised exchange of information and related events with the aim of initiating R&D projects and realising innovations.
  • We organise exchange and cooperation within the various areas of activity and thus promote the development of core competencies in the region.
  • We deal with comprehensive topics such as securing skilled workers, support for start-ups, financing and promotion, internationalisation and trade fairs as well as location-based marketing.
  • We offer expert advice and support to our members and those in politics.


Dr. Adrian Mahlkow
Senior PM
Mike Richardson

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin

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