To realize a commercial quantum advantage, quantum chips need to be designed, fabricated and tested. Creating the test system and protocols to retrieve the relevant information on quantum chip performance requires too much time and expertise from developers. And therein lies the bottleneck we tackle at Orange QS.
Our easy-to-use tools provide our customers with fast and reliable testing of their quantum chips. Our current products are a result of tight coupling between our proprietary diagnostics protocols with curated measurement and control hardware components. All our developments prepare us to deliver industrial-scale high-throughput quantum chip testing.
We understand our customer's needs when they set up a lab for quantum chip development, and we incorporate relevant solutions into our products. Buying Orange QS’ products allows our customers to iterate faster and smarter in the quantum chip development process.
Orange QS is a system integrator that delivers reliable diagnostics systems for the development, fabrication and deployment of quantum chips with solid-state qubits.
Orange Quantum Systems offers three product lines that accelerate the development, fabrication and deployment of quantum chips, the Quantum Diagnostics Libraries, Quantum Systems and Quantum Care.
Quantum Diagnostics Libraries is a product line of our well-documented and easy to use software libraries that enable you to extract all relevant parameters from your superconducting qubit devices (SCQ Tools) or TWPA’s (TWPA Tools). These libraries are executed using Quantify, the open source data acquisition and processing platform.
Quantum Systems is a product line with hardware products that accelerate the diagnostics of quantum devices. The Orange Rack is a plug-and-play control electronics assembly. It contains a Quantify environment pre-installed and will contain the required Quantum Diagnostics Libraries.
Through Quantum Care, we offer service packages to guarantee that our products accelerate the development, fabrication or deployment of your quantum chips through product customization, maintenance and education.
Director of Development & Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Last
Orange Quantum Systems B.V.
Elektronicaweg 2
2628 XG Delft
The Netherlands