Working Group Quantum Sensing & Imaging


Working Group Quantum Sensing and Imaging envisions a future where quantum sensing and imaging revolutionize industries, advancing scientific understanding and driving unprecedented innovation. Thus, we want to enable the development of systems that go beyond the limits of classical metrology and sensing or achieve unique imaging performance and drive quantum sensors to industry applications ranging from autonomous transport, navigation, and brain imaging to the Industrial Internet of Things.


Our mission is to accelerate the adoption and integration of quantum sensing and imaging technologies across sectors. We strive to bridge the gap between academia, startups, and end-users, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Through a multi-faceted approach, we promote the industrial application of quantum sensors and imaging systems by driving technology transfer and commercialization, working closely with industry end-users and increasing the awareness of quantum sensors.

Goals & Tasks

WG Contact

Zeynab Tavakoli
Quantum Technology Manager

Quantum Business Network

We Build a Strong Quantum Industry Together!

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