New funding call: Deployment of Post Quantum Cryptography in systems in industrial sectors

Expected outcome: Outcomes and deliverables PQC system validation and PQC technology ready for wide-spread deployment in given industrial sectors Long-term protection of critical assets, long-term information security and operational continuity in the advent of quantum computers Migration checklists and plans for PQC in sectors where this has not yet taken place. Objective: The objective […]
New funding call: Novel applications of AI and other enabling technologies for security operation centres

Expected outcome: Deliverables Deployment of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Key Technologies as enablers for SOCs Tools for creation, analysis and processing of CTI that allow for faster and more scalable SOC operations Original European CTI feeds or services Objective: This topic addresses enabling technologies (such as AI) for SOCs, including National SOCs which provide […]
New funding call: Strengthen Cybersecurity capacities of European SMEs in line with CRA requirements and obligations

Expected outcome: Deliverables: Financial support for SMEs and other stakeholders for CRA compliance. Openly available platform with CRA-related resources (such as guidelines and supporting documents), providing supporting community building and upskilling Workshops, events, networking and exchange of experience of stakeholders Contributions to CRA standardisation Scope: In synergy with other actions launched under this WP […]
New funding call: Applied quantum technologies

The national funding bodies from 15 countries (Austria, Singapore, Belgium (Wallonia), South Korea, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Germany, Türkiye, Israel, United Kingdom, Lithuania) have allocated funding for organisations collaborating on international R&D projects in the field(s) of applied quantum technology. Scope Quantum technology includes many layers of technology from the individual modalities of quantum […]
New funding call: Cross-border cooperation for Europe’s quantum value chains

As quantum technology moves towards commercialisation, this initiative accelerates cross-border collaboration for breakthrough initiatives in a bid to create resilient supply chains for Europe. Background and objectives of the call for projects The development of quantum technologies holds the promise of major breakthroughs in several critical sectors. A large number of open scientific questions and […]
New funding call: European Quantum Excellence Centres (QECs) in applications for science and industry

Expected outcome: The creation of two European Quantum Excellence Centres in applications, covering science and industry, will establish a one-stop-shop for industry, academia, and the wider quantum technology user community. This in turn will accelerate the discovery of new quantum-oriented applications and foster their knowledge and uptake. The QECs should be technology-agnostic with a focus […]
New funding call: Stimulating transnational research and development of next generation quantum technologies, including basic theories and components

Expected outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Scope: Proposals should support the networking and coordination of national activities in support of the Quantum Flagship by implementing calls for proposals resulting primarily in grants to third parties in this area, in accordance with the provisions of the General Annexes. i) the gaps […]
New funding call: Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake (IA)

Expected outcome: Projects are expected to contribute to mature quantum sensing technologies and devices (TRL 6-7) in different application sectors, with the goal of establishing a reliable, efficient supply chain including first standardisation and calibration efforts for rapid market uptake. Scope: Proposals should address the development of mature quantum sensing technologies and single or network-operating […]
New funding call: Quantum Space Gravimetry Phase-B study & Technology Maturation

Expected outcome: These outcomes will contribute to securing the autonomy of supply for critical technologies and equipment, and fostering the EU’s space sector competitiveness, in line with the Expected Impact of the destination. One proposal for this Phase-B study and the associated technology maturation will be selected. Scope: The final objective of this call is […]
New funding call: Safe Future Technologies in a Hyper-connected World: Artificial Intelligence

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist zweifellos eine der Schlüsseltechnologien der Zukunft und muss daher sicher gestaltet sein. Mit der Veröffentlichung des Chatbots „ChatGPT“ Ende 2022 ist die Mächtigkeit der aktuellen Generation von KI-Systemen einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bewusst geworden. In der Folge ist die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit vor allem für generative KI, wie beispielsweise KI-basierte Text- und Bildgeneratoren, […]