Open calls for standardisation – StandICT and HSBooster


Two open calls can help individual experts and projects to create standards for QT. 2026 2023 kicked off on 1st September 2020. It is an EU framework project H2020 Coordination and Support Action with the central goal to ensure a neutral, reputable, pragmatic and fair approach to support European and Associated states presence in the international ICT standardisation scene. Building the human European network of ICT Standard Experts has been crucial in making the difference in guaranteeing 2023 begins with an already solid base of diligent and active standards contributors. 2023 has built on the valid recommendations given as part of the previous reviews of [2018-2020], which focused on improving the existing Standards Watch, delivered in February 2021 the EUOS (pronounced YOS) – ICT Standardisation Observatory and continuing the effort of using the online facility as a reference point to comment, through a dynamic discussion forum, relevant insights from the standards experts. It wishes to reinforce the transparent evaluation process, the streamlining of the contractual activities, it personifies the monitoring process for impact purposes and creates a stronger liaison with the National Standards Associations to support them in their capacity building & training programmes.

It has just launched its first open call, running until 10 July 2023.

For more information visit the funding call website. is a 24-month European Commission initiative that will provide the European Standardisation Booster. The booster provides expert services to European projects to help them to increase and valorise project results by contributing to the creation or revision of standards. facilitates and streamlines the dialogue between Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Research & Innovation projects with the Standardisation landscape and its main actors, namely corresponding Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) to increase the European impact on (international) Standardisation and strengthen the European competitiveness.

The call is continuously open until 2024.

For more information visit the funding call website.

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