One of the targets of the EuroHPC JU is to develop and support a highly competitive and innovative quantum computing ecosystem broadly distributed in Europe contributing to the scientific, industrial, and digital leadership of the Union, capable of autonomously producing quantum computing technologies and architectures and their integration on leading HPC computing systems, and advanced applications optimised for these systems. In accordance with Article 12 of Council Regulation (EU) 2021/1173, the EuroHPC JU shall proceed to the acquisition of quantum computers, funded by the Union’s budget stemming from the Digital Europe Programme by contributions from the relevant Participating States to the EuroHPC JU. The Union’s contribution from Digital Europe Programme should cover up to 50% of the acquisition costs, up to 50% of the costs for the integration of the quantum computer with the existing co-located supercomputer of the hosting entity and up to 50 % of the operating costs of these quantum computers. Requested under GB Decision 34/2024.
Estimated total value
13000000 EUR
Lead contracting authority
Maximum contract duration
Award method
best price-quality ratio
Selection criteria
Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Economic and financial standing
Technical and professional ability