On Dec 15, 2020 we successfully kicked off the raw of sessions on European Quantum Leadership (EQL) to show the world, how Europe paves its way to a technological and industrial quantum leadership – watch it on demand and save the date for the next session.

Besides the holistic portfolio of activities and support services, the Quantum Business Network has also three event formats:
- The QBN Meetings with experts from the whole ecosystem are exclusive, non-public meetings on different fields of quantum technologies focusing on business collaborations, knowledge exchange and personal networking in a trust-based environment.
- In the QBN Webinars leading organizations provide deep insights with extended presentations and live demos into the current state of quantum technologies and their applications.
- In the European Quantum Leadership sessions, you can learn about the flourishing European quantum industry with its leading startups, corporates and RTOs from the different fields of quantum technologies and its value chains and gain insights into their visions, products, success stories and collaborations as key to position themselves and Europe as a leader.
European Quantum Leadership – Session 1: Quantum Computing
Europe has brilliant scientists and a great research infrastructure. Although Europe is also known for its restraint and the lack of speed in commercializing deeptech, fortunately there are many success stories, leading startups and RTO’s as well as great industry collaborations. The amazing speakers of the first session on quantum computing with around 150 attendees, shared their products and services as well as their recommendation for Europe and the ecosystem to become a leader in quantum.
The session started with a short introduction of the organizers Johannes Verst, CEO of QBN and Frank Lerch, Managing Director of OptecBB followed by five exiting presentations.
The first presentation of Mark Mattingley-Scott from IBM and Ingolf Wittmann from Fraunhofer IAF, member of QBN, gave insights into “The IBM Fraunhofer Quantum Project” and illustrated the importance of industry collaborations.

Afterwards, Thorsten Last, Co-founder and Director of D&E at Orange Quantum Systems, a Spin-off from QuTech in Delft and member of QBN, talked about how “We are enabling the future of quantum computing through co-development” and shared Orange QS’s value proposition and its position in the European quantum computing ecosystem.
With his talk “Quantum Advantage with Fewer Qubits”, Andrew Horsley, CEO and co-founder introduced the Australian startup Quantum Brilliance, which is also a member of QBN and just established a subsidiary in Stuttgart, Germany and their ongoing activities.
The business perspectives of “Building quantum computers” were shared by Rasmus Lindman, Head of Business Development at IQM, a member of QBN as well as IQM’s technology roadmap.
The last presentation was given by David Uebel and Owen Ernst, who are both researchers at the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, about the “Synthesis of spin-free silicon for semiconducting qbits” and their plan to give a commercial access to their technology by establishing a startup.
The speakers agreed that Europe has all what it needs to become a global leader in industrial quantum technologies and that collaborations and a hands-on mentality are key to reach that goal.
EQL Session 1 on demand
To feed your mind during the holidays, you can watch the EQL Session 1: Quantum Computing on demand on the QBN YouTube Channel.

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A big thank you to the fantastic speakers!
We are looking very much forward to see you next year at the EQL Session 2: Quantum Communications on Feb 10, 2021 – save the date!
Happy holidays!