|ANR Funding Measure〉Quantum PEPR – Call for projects Quantum Computing on the Fly

The National Strategy for the Acceleration of Quantum Technologies, announced by the President of the Republic on 21 January 2021, aims to guide the State’s choices for the next five years according to the following six priorities: Scalable quantum computers; Quantum simulators and accelerators; Quantum sensors enabling measurement accuracies several orders of magnitude better than […]
|Horizon Europe〉Quantum technologies for space gravimetry

The scope of this topic is the development of EU technologies and components for a space quantum gravimeter or gradiometer (this may include hybrid sensors, relying both on quantum and classical technologies) and which will lead to the development of an Engineering Model and its potential qualification for a pathfinder mission.
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreement for developing the first large-scale quantum computers (FPA)

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in quantum computing are expected to establish a stable and structured partnership between the Commission and the institutions and organisations in quantum computing who commit themselves to establishing, maintaining and implementing a strategic research roadmap aligned with and contributing to the Quantum Flagship Strategic Research Agenda in a scalable open quantum computing platform based on a specific quantum platform technology.
|Horizon Europe〉Quantum sensing technologies for market uptake (IA)

Proposals should address the development of relatively mature quantum sensing technologies and single or network-operating devices that have the potential to find a broad range of new applications in transportation, precise localisation, health, security, telecommunications, energy, electronics industry, construction, mining, prospection, and much more.
|Horizon Europe〉Basic Science for Quantum Technologies (RIA)

Proposals should aim to explore new quantum effects and gain new knowledge that is not limited to the pillar activities, and which may contribute to new quantum technologies and applications in the long term. Areas of particular interest include quantum information theory, the identification of new laws and limits, understanding the mechanisms behind decoherence…
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreements for open testing and experimentation and for pilot production capabilities for quantum technologies (FPA)

Proposals for both FPAs above are expected to establish well-networked lab facilities that interact and support each other. Proposals should federate key competences in the whole innovation value chain, from business-model development to promoting open-access to innovation and know-how, in order to provide access and support to European quantum technologies innovation actors.
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreement for developing large scale quantum simulation platform technologies (FPA)

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) in quantum simulation are expected to establish a stable and structured partnership between the Commission and the institutions and organisations in quantum simulation who commit themselves to establish, maintain and implement a strategic research roadmap in a scalable open quantum simulation platform based on a specific quantum simulation platform technology.
|Horizon Europe〉Lawful interception using new and emerging technologies (5G & beyond, quantum computing and encryption)

Software-based communication technologies such as 5G and beyond will bring many benefits but also pose a number of new challenges for the police and the judiciary. In particular, lawful interception systems will have to adapt to the increased use of encryption including end-to-end encryption, to edge computing that might limit the availability and accessibility to relevant data and to slicing technology that will multiply the number of virtual operators.
|Horizon Europe〉Framework Partnership Agreements in Quantum Communications (FPA)

Proposals for FPAs are expected to develop quantum communication technologies with improved performance and security to ensure European leadership. They are expected to build on the ongoing projects supported under the Quantum Flagship ramp up phase and on those currently defining the EuroQCI initiative.
|Horizon Europe〉Transition towards Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

During the next decades the European Union should seize the opportunities that quantum technologies will bring. However, quantum technologies will also pose a significant risk to the security of our society. The advent of large-scale quantum computers will compromise much of modern cryptography, which is instrumental in ensuring cybersecurity and privacy of the digital transition.